Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis

Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis

Visiting Professor

Professor Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis is also an essayist and playwright. She teaches Aesthetics and Aesthetics of Music and Performing Arts at the Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage of the University of Milan.
She has been Visiting Professor and Academic Visitor at the Universities of Aix-Marseille and Avignon et des Pays (France), of York, Oxford (UK), of Galati (Romania), of Malaga (Spain).
She is the winner of numerous grants for scientific research in Italy and Europe.
Her latest monographs in the field of non-fiction include:
– Le Monstre. L’anomalie et le difforme dans la nature et dans l’art, Bern, etc. 2018,
– Philosophy. Denis Diderot’s Salons, Bern, etc.2018,
– Teatro da leggere. Myth and Conflict, Florence 2021.
With regard to photography, the monographs
– with C. Spenuso, Fermo immagine. Art, life and market of photography, Milan 2018
– with E. Scarpellini, Fotografia. Temi e problemi, Milan 2019; finally the essay Aesthetics of Photography, journal “Aisthesis”, vol. 11, no. 2, 2018.